Adults - $5.50
Seniors (60+)- $5.00
Students (13-18) - $5.00
Family (2 adults and 1 dependent) - $15.00
Group Rates (15 people or more) - $3.50
Mission Statement
The Callander Bay Heritage Museum (CBHM) is a non-profit institution, exempt from federal and provincial income tax, existing on a permanent and regular basis. It has been established to tell the cultural and natural heritage of the settlement and development of the Municipality of Callander (previously known as the Township of North Himsworth until 2003), and the immediate area from 1875. The CBHM shall be concerned in the efforts to continue the gathering of current archival information for its future generations. The Culture and Heritage Group will ensure the governing body (being the Corp. of the Municipality of Callander) and the community that it shall;
See our 2020 - 2022 Strategic Plan here!
Culture and Heritage Group
Lucian Masson, Chair
Garry Besserer, Member
Christine Bretherik, Member
Linda Alkins, Member
Adam Nadeau, Member
Natasha Wiatr, Curator
Mike Dell, Council Rep
Regular monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 3:30pm in Council Chambers at 280 Main Street North at the Municipal Office.
Please note that the December 4th meeting is cancelled.
Please see the notice of the meeting here.