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Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Strategic planning is a municipality’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue it's vision. Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.
In other words, a strategic plan simply provides the means for a municipality to chart a future it desires rather than reacting to events as they unfold. As Yogi Berra stated: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Callander’s Strategic Plan contains Council’s desired Vision, Mission and Values.
A vibrant, fiscally sound community where residents enjoy living, working, playing and are able to meet their needs.
Our Organization's Mission is to enrich the community by providing strong leadership and delivering inclusive and fiscally responsible services while maintaining the unique qualities that make Callander such a desirable place to live, work and play.
A cohesive community identity: gateway and hub, focused on four seasons
Strive to protect and enhance the rich natural environment and human heritage
Provides a strong framework for social interaction, land and water-based recreation and tourism and encourages mutually supportive investment in the public realm and private development
An active and pedestrian-friendly community
A sustainable and environmentally-friendly community
A community that people want to gather in
The vision is further defined through 4 strategic levels of focus:
Each year council revisits and reaffirms the strategic priorities, reviews accomplishments to date and then brainstorms and prioritizes new Initiatives to help achieve the priorities.
View the 2025 Strategic Plan for the Municipality of Callander
The Marina Project Strategy provides Council and staff with a set process for implementing the objectives of Council. In it, it identifies the need to split the marina services in two; one to get on the lake, and the other to come into Callander from the lake. Lansdowne currently does not have the space to accommodate the necessary parking, while also creating a commercial draw to downtown.
The Strategy is available upon request, by emailing info@callander.ca.
The Muncipality of Callander applied for funding through Ontario's Municipal Modernization Program, as part of the ongoing overall organizational review. The following final third-party reviewer's report is provided regarding the project.
The Municipality of Callander is pursuing revitalization of the Downtown Waterfront Area through the preparation of a Downtown Waterfront Revitalization Strategy and Community Improvement Plan. This Strategy was initialized for the purpose of revitalizing the Downtown Waterfront Area to better service a growing population within the Municipality. It will enable the Municipality to revitalize and enhance the community as well as promote investment opportunities in the community’s commercial / industrial and downtown waterfront core in order that new economic growth and job creation can take place.
View the Strategy here.
To view our 2023 Drinking Water System Operational Plan, please contact us to request a copy at info@callander.ca