Municipal Services


Callander Union Cemetery

a view of the cemetery with pine branches above

The Callander Union Cemetery is located 3 kilometers from downtown Callander at 510 Mountain Road in Callander Ontario. Dating back to the late 1800s, it is a peaceful sanctuary of cultured and forested open spaces. We take seriously the responsibility of maintaining its creative and natural beauty. It’s one part of our commitment to keeping the Callander Union Cemetery as beautiful and affordable in the future as it is today.

We invite you to visit, and to inquire about interment options including full burial lots and cremations. The operations of the Callander Union Cemetery are regulated by By-law 2024-1935, effective October 8, 2024.  Please note, interment services will not be provided on Saturdays or Sundays, except by special arrangement only.

For more information please contact the Municipal office at 705-752-1410 ext. 223.

Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Mon – Fri, not including statutory holidays; please see notice regarding reduced Friday summer hours) 

The Municipality of Callander holds the Cemetery Operator's Licence #CM-02731 for the Callander Union Cemetery, issued by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario. For more information about the BAO and consumer protection, please see the consumer information guide published by the BAO: A Guide to Death Care in Ontario.  For an audio version of this guide in English or French, please visit the Bereavement of Ontario's website at:

Callander Union Cemetery Current Price List, effective January 2024

FOR MONUMENT COMPANIES: Callander Union Cemetery - Foundation Request Form


About the Consumer Protection Fee

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO) has recently increased the Consumer Protection Fee that the Municipality must charge for internments. The BAO is a government-delegated authority and not-for-profit corporation administering provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002. They are responsible for the protection of the public interest by regulating and ensuring compliance with the law by all licenced bereavement services.

The Consumer Protection Fee is charged by the BAO to provide its services of information on options in bereavement services and to regulate the bereavement sector profession making sure the law is consistently followed. The BAO is responsible for regulating bereavement, including responding to public complaints and questions, inspecting, and providing guidance to bereavement businesses and professionals, and this fee is one of the primary sources of funding for the BAO.

This fee is not new, though it was not previously allowed to be displayed on invoices. The ability to now display the fee allows the Municipality to be more transparent in any costs charged to our users. For the Callander Union Cemetery, the fee is increasing from $13.63 per internment to $30, which became in effect as of July 1, 2023.

If you would like to learn more about the Consumer Protection Fee, how the price was established, or more about the BAO, please visit their information page.