Living Here


Callander’s close proximity to water, rural land and a variety of natural environments, make environmental protection and stewardship especially important.

The Municipality of Callander encourages a culture of environmental sustainability. Environmental aspects that are taken into consideration include:

  • Callander Bay is our community’s drinking water source. It is particularly sensitive to, and adversely affected by, nutrient loading and accumulation of pollutants. We must all do our part to ensure the environmental quality of Lake Nipissing. Improved sewage treatment and stormwater management are examples of ways to improve the water quality in Callander Bay.
  • Provincially significant wetlands and natural heritage located within the Municipality are environmentally sensitive and need to be protected from incompatible uses and activities.
  • The cumulative impact of waterfront development throughout the Municipality.
  • Ensuring that natural resource activities, including forestry, mineral exploration and development, hunting and fishing and other recreational activities can continue in a manner that is sustainable, while protecting the quality and quantity of surface and ground water resources.
  • All practical forms of energy conservation to reduce the environmental impact on the community.
  • Callander residents are encouraged to take harsh chemicals, unused cleaning materials and paints to the City of North Bay’s seasonal Household Hazardous Waste depot, 112 Patton Rd., adjacent to The City’s bus station.


Important Links:

North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority 

“Restore your shore”


Annual Public Sector Energy and Greenhouse Gas Reports:

Report for 2020


Invasive Species in the area:

Invasive Plants

Invasive Phragmites (Phragmites australis) has been a huge issue in the Lake Bernard area, and it is all over the place (on the side of the highway from Huntsville all the way to North Bay) and it spreads fast. As the plant releases a toxin into the ground stopping other plants from growing and creating a massive monoculture. It can cover sightlines for roadways and destroys native aquatic habitats that support our fish, turtles, amphibians and more. 

Next, for Japanese Knotweed, it also releases the same toxin as invasive Phragmites, making it so basically only Japanese Knotweed grows in that soil until thoroughly removed. Another huge issue for Japanese Knotweed is that it can grow through concrete foundations and roadways causing massive structural damage.  

For more information on Japanese Knotweed: 

For more information on Phragmites: