Local Government

Policies & By-laws

By-laws and Policies of the Municipality of Callander

Below is a list of frequently requested by-laws and policies. For a more extensive list of by-laws and policies, visit out our By-laws and Policies Page on our meeting portal for the full list.


Municipality of Callander By-laws:

For a By-law Complaint Form, please click here.

Please note where a by-law indicates “and amendment(s)”, the amending by-laws are found in the pdf document following the original by-law.  If the by-law indicates “as amended” the amendments are included in the body of the by-law with a note identifying the amending by-law.

Municipal Policies Adopted by Resolution:

Please direct any questions regarding by-laws and amendments to the Municipal Clerk, by email at clerk@callander.ca, or by phone at (705) 752-1410 ext. 222.