Callander is open for business! There is no fee for opening a business in Callander and there is no business license requirement. Home-based businesses are encouraged within all residential areas. Throughout the Municipality there are commercial and industrial properties that can accommodate many different business needs. We invite you to contact us to discuss your business idea and requirements. Please also take a moment to peruse the information in this section, including the local business directory.
The 2023 Strategic Plan for the Municipality of Callander supports and encourages small businesses and tourism. As part of this initiative, Council made it a priority this year to modify restrictive by-laws, including the Outdoor Vendor By-law, to better encourage more small businesses to grow in Callander. This By-law has now been passed. Some important modifications that were made by Council include:
For more information, please read the By-lawThis link opens in a new window.
To apply for an Outdoor Vendor Licence, please choose the correct application form: