Taylor Craig, Planning Administrator
Phone: (705) 752-1410, Ext. 306
Email: tcraig@callander.ca
Hours are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
26 Main Street North, Unit 9
Callander, ON
Please call for an appointment.
The Official Plan is the Municipality's main land use policy document. It describes what kind of community we want to become in the future. It sets goals, objectives, and policies that guide our land use planning decisions.
Below is the current Official Plan for the Municipality of Callander:
Official PlanThis link opens in a new windowThis link opens in a new window
Schedule A: RuralThis link opens in a new windowThis link opens in a new window
Schedule A1: SettlementThis link opens in a new windowThis link opens in a new window
Schedule B: Natural Heritage FeaturesThis link opens in a new windowThis link opens in a new window
Staff recently submitted a draft update of the Official Plan to Council.
Draft Schedule B: Natural Heritage Features
The Zoning By-law aims to implement these goals and objectives on a day-to-day basis. If you are planning to erect a new building or add onto an existing structure, contact the planning department for assistance to ensure that the proposed construction, use, and location are in compliance with Zoning By-Law 2014-1407. Planning staff will be more than happy to assist you in interpreting the zoning provisions for the subject property to ensure that the proposed uses are in compliance with municipal regulations.
Planning staff is available to review the Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law provisions which affect all planning applications. It is recommended that pre-consultation occur with planning staff prior to submission of development applications. All applications are available for pick up in the office or by download in the links below.