Municipal Services

Current Fire Rating

Moderate Fire Rating

Daytime burning NOT permitted from April 1st to October 31st
Daytime is defined as 2 hours after sunrise until 2 hours prior to sunset

Fire permits MUST be purchased for all Open-Air Burning (including campfires for cooking and warmth)

Purchase Burning Permit Online

Open Air Burning Permits are required before setting any open-air fire, including campfires for cooking and warmth, and/or discharging consumer fireworks within the Municipality of Callander. If you purchase your burn permit online, you DO NOT need to print it out. Island properties still need to apply for a permit, though the fee will be waived. Please contact the Municipal Office for further details. 

By-law 2024-1967 applies to the setting and control of all open-air burning on all lands within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality of Callander.

By-law 2012-1335 applies to setting off consumer fireworks on al lands within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality of Callander.
If you are have any questions regarding this application form, please email or call (705) 752-1410 x221.

Specific Restrictions
The following is a partial list of some of the open air burning restrictions. Please refer to the Open Air By-law for a complete description of restrictions and your responsibilities.

Fire Season Period (April 1 to October 31, inclusive):
During the “Fire Season”, open-air burning is not permitted during the day. Fires are permitted two hours prior to sunset and must be completely extinguished two hours after sunrise.

From November 1 to March 31, open-air burning is permitted during the day.

Fires in Public Places:
Open Air fires are not permitted on any highway, park, walkway, public land or on any Municipally owned lands without written permission from the Fire Chief or his/her designated official.

Fires on Non-owned Lands:
No person shall set or allow a fire to burn on any land he/she is not the registered owner of without the written permission of the registered owner.

Restricted Fire Zones:
No person shall start, permit, or allow the burning of any fire during or within a Restricted Fire zone.

Forbidden Materials:
The burning of industrial waste, agricultural waste, domestic waste, petroleum products, rubber, painted (or treated) lumber, mixed demolition debris, any material that will cause excessive smoke or harmful fumes, as well as any other material identified in regulations contained in the Environmental Protection Act is not permitted.

Fire Extinguishing Costs:
If Callander Fire and Emergency Services is called to respond to a fire either set or permitted to burn, in violation of the Open Air Burning and/or Setting Off Consumer Fireworks By-laws, the person and/or the property owner who set the fire or allowed it to burn shall pay all costs incurred by Callander Fire and Emergency Services to extinguish the fire. Costs included are those for all personnel, equipment, and apparatus dispatched and used to extinguish the fire.

Costs will be calculated at the current MTO rate (as of July 1, 2020, the MTO rate is $485.00/hour) for each firefighting apparatus, plus personnel, plus any additional costs. Time will be charged from the receipt of the alarm through to the time all responding apparatus are back in service.

If the costs of extinguishing of an unauthorized open air fire are not paid, as outlined above, in addition to any other remedies the Municipality may have, the costs shall be recovered in the same manner as municipal property taxes in accordance with Section 398(2)2 of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c.25 against the owner of the land.