Welcome to the Municipality of Callander's Business Directory!
You may filter the list below by selecting one or more categories, then clicking the filter button. To see the details for a particular business, simply click or tap on the appropriate card.
The Business Directory is included for information purposes only. Inclusion in the directory is voluntary and is not associated with any selection or endorsement process on behalf of the Municipality of Callander.
To add a business or organization to the directory, click on the Register My Business/Organization link. Use the Update My Business/Organization Details link for updates to existing entries.
Accommodations, Camps & Cottages, Camp/Cottage
Accommodations, Camps & Cottages, Suites
Hair & Beauty Salon, Health & Beauty
Farm, Flowers, herbs & by-products, Textiles
Self-Storage, Storage
Distributor, Roofing Products
Hair & Beauty Salon, Health & Beauty
Construction & Trades, Landscaping, Trades & Services
Auto Service, Automobiles
Gas Station