Soup, main course, dessert: $ 6.00
To arrange pickup or delivery of frozen meals in the Callander area, contact Heather Busch at (705) 752-1295 or by cell (705) 499-7958.
Meals-on-Wheels are a great gift idea for senior family members or those recently discharged from hospital and unable to prepare their own meals.
For information regarding eligibility and to place orders, call the office at (705) 724-6028. Speak with Shelly, Linda or Leslie.
The program also offers transportation services to seniors and persons with cognitive or physical disabilities who are unable to drive themselves and have no access to transportation. Medical appointments are our first priority. Rides are available for both local and out-of-town trips. Rides are provided by volunteers using their own vehicles. Seniors 65+ are billed $0.27/km ($5.00 to $10.00 flat rate charge for local in-town trip). There is a wheelchair van available to those who are not amulatory. Please note: ODSP and OW clients must contact their caseworkers directly for approval.
The service is provided by East Parry Sound Community Support Services.